
Showing posts from March, 2022

Texturing Drone 1: Pt 2 - Complete.

Continuing on from Texturing Drone 1 Part 1, I looked to round of the texturing in Substance Painter and moved onto importing the exported maps from Substance into Maya. Had a little trouble getting the maps to work accordingly, but once the settings were right the final drone came together. Here I also looked to add in an effect for the water tank to give the impression of bubbling water within the tank to help further imply that the drones are hydroelectric.   Drone 1 Texturing: Pt2. by Jasmine Masters Low Lighting Drone Renders: HDRI Lighting Drone Renders: Tank Bubbles Clip Full: UV Bubbles Clip: Tank Bubbles Inner Mesh. Bubbling Water Tank.

Texturing Drone 1: Pt 1.

I began texturing Drone 1 in Substance Painter, focusing on creating the metal base material for the drone and looking at bringing in that weathered element to signify the age of the drone and show how long it has been out in the field. Texturing Drone 1: Pt 1. by Jasmine Masters

Rigging Drone 2 Arms: Pt4 - Corrective Blend Shapes.

Moving forward, I began to add in the Pose Space Deformers (Corrective Blend Shapes) to the Rig. This consisted of altering areas of the skinned mesh which weren't deforming how they should/how I wanted them to. One of the most notable areas being the wire that comes out of the top of the arm and how the shoulder deforms as it is rotated.  Come the end of this process I find I am now at the stage were I have a useable rig that can be used for simple animation within my sets. Drone 2 Rigging: Pt4. by Jasmine Masters Wire Popping Problem: Wire Popping Problem Solved: