Premise: Camera Direction & Set Development.

Going off the mind map I came up with I started to design some layouts and and sets for this post nuclear world to exist in.

Before I started to sketch out some scenes, I looked into how I want to shoot the environment I am creating. As seen above in the mind map I contemplate either shooting through the frame of using the camera as a person or using the camera as a drone in an observational piece to explore the set/world created. In the end I've decided the camera would be a mix between a person and drone point of view. So, the pair would travel through the decrepit city scoping it out to see what remains and to try and find out what happed there. I plan for the key focus to be solely on moving through the damaged city and into the science labs where the scientists are planning their escape showing a generator room, plans for the conservation ship and hub pods for growing plants. Ultimately leading to the camera coming across a break in the labs window to see the conservation ship never made it off earth, leaving the why up to viewers interpretation as to what happened/went wrong.

I came to this decision from trying to think of how I could make the shorts seem more interactive. To do this I looked at drone footage which I could use for aerial shots and to get to places where it’s human counterpart cannot go because of an obstacle or because it’s addition to this I also looked at some game play footage to see/get an idea of how the human perspective could possibly work and how they may move through the scene. Through switching up the dynamic between the camera as drone/camera as person I hope to bring in this idea of viewer interaction to the piece and make them want to see more of the world the pair go about encountering the environment (See Research Below).

Premise: Camera Research - ... by Jasmine Masters

Games Footage Research:

So with this research in mind I created an initial set plan for the cameras (person/drone) to follow through. Since this plan has been made, I've decided to add a few changes to the layout; this mostly involving the placement of the science lab building. So, in the new layout when drawn it will be set back from the town and hidden in foliage to add a more of a point of interest.

Note: Red arrows are camera as person movements. Green Dots + Arrows: are drone movements and direction.

From there I then started to look at creating some street concepts that lead up to the science lab where the scientists are planning their escape in the conservation ship with plant samples. With this I tried to build a narrative with the frames moving through the street scenes to the lab and inside the lab tower.

To start with I looked at designing the lab and what it could look like. Here I drew up a few shapes and then looked at combining them together to create the lab building. In the end I settled on the top middle design with the tower lab deck with the tall welcoming entrance with the greenhouses attached to the side.

Chosen Lab Floor Plan.

Narrative Sketches + Influences:
Street Influences.

Generator room Influences.

Researched a handcar mechanism to get an idea of how the generator could work. - Idea would be that the Blue prints would be laying around as the generator continues to run; thus allowing the lab to still have power.
 Animated Diagram:

Generator Mechanics Blueprints.

From there I then designed some ship designs that I could then 'wreck' and 'destroy' as this would then be seen through the lab decks broken window. To create these designs I looked at creating some scribble blocks of colour with the lasso and paint fill tools and then draw over the blocks of colour to create the ship designs.
Ship Concepts.

Inside the Lab Deck:

Lab Deck Influences.


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