Toolkit 2: Life Drawing - Back to Basics.

To catch up on missed out sessions of life drawing over the past year due to Covid, this past week (24th - 27th May) has been filled with the opportunity to catch up and get back to basics by putting pencil to paper. 

I have found this past week to be quite refreshing by being able to get away from the computer screen and actually draw something on paper rather than by a graphics tablet. Throughout this week I have looked at exploring the human form through tone, shape, mark making and colour.

When I first started drawing this week, I found I was a bit ‘rusty’ in some of the forms and shapes I was creating, but feel that over the past week I have gotten better at the seeing aspects of the human form and relaying what I’m seeing in real life to paper through observation and repetition of shapes.

Life Drawing. - Catch Up. by Jasmine Masters
