
Showing posts from November, 2021

3D Pre-Vis Progress Pt2:

Moving on with the 3D Pre-Vis I looked at adding in the static shots the initial rough camera cut animatic. Through doing so I found it has added some much needed pause within the scenes to help pair back the movements of the drones and gives the audience time to take in some of the environment in which the drones are exploring. 3D Pre-Vis Reviewed (Minor): Rough Camera Cut Animatic Version 2: No Sound. With the static shots now in place; I then turned to adding in some ambient sounds and simple effects to the animatic to add further interest and to help build the quite atmosphere an abandoned town may inherit from lack of human life..  When We're Gone Animatic Version 3: with Sound. With this animatic, it has given me a clearer understanding of how I will shoot my final film. Taking into account the various camera movements and shot types; by doing this it should hopefully help better guide me in what to animate and the amount of frames that are needed for each scene, ...

3D Pre-Vis Progress.

Continuing on with reworking my initial Pre-Vis and using the plan I previously created, I Begun to re-shoot my scenes with the improved sets. With these new scenes shot I then started to compile and edit my shots together to create a more coherent camera flow. 3D Pre-Vis Reviewed (Minor): Rough Camera Cut Animatic - No sound, No effects: Reflecting on this rough camera cut animatic (and through talking to my tutor), it was said that there are still areas where the camera movements are still too erratic and that there were areas where the camera pauses are too long, creating a disconnect in the camera flow. To amend this it was suggested that I add in some Static Shots featuring just the drones interacting to help cut down on some of the camera movement within the scenes. This should then hopefully create a bit more variety in camera shots so there's not this continuous camera movement and allow for the audience to actually see some of the sets environmental details and drone ...

Minor OGR #2

OGR Check-in for the Minor Project - Progress so far. Minor OGR #2 by Jasmine Masters When We're Gone - Rough Camera Cut Animatic - Work-in-Progress.

Initial Drone Design.

Taking on board the changes I wish to make when filming my short (see here ), I begun to design some potential drone concepts that I could then take forward into a 3D space.  Drone Mindmap. With the drone I wanted it to be small and compact with a way to move about; either with turbines or wings and to have some sort of camera/screen to view it's surroundings, as well as have some sort of extendable arm to be able to move/nudge things. To begin with I began by creating random shapes and then using those to from the base shape of the drone. From there I picked the three I liked and then begun to further develop those designs, combining different aspects/ features from all three of the initial designs. Then I repeated this process to create a further six ideas. With this I found the top row of drone designs to hold the small and compact look I am after, but find I will have to further develop where the extend able arm will be placed.

Minor Pre-Vis Sets.

Moving forward with the new set plans I began to remodel/adjust my existing sets to work with the new set flow previously put in place from reviewing my Premise animatic (see  Reviewing 3D Pre-Vis from Premise for more). With these temporary sets now in place I can begin to roughly plan out my new camera shots when 'filming' my scenes for the new adapted Pre-Vis. Minor Pre-Vis Sets. by Jasmine Masters