3D Pre-Vis Progress.

Continuing on with reworking my initial Pre-Vis and using the plan I previously created, I Begun to re-shoot my scenes with the improved sets. With these new scenes shot I then started to compile and edit my shots together to create a more coherent camera flow.

3D Pre-Vis Reviewed (Minor): Rough Camera Cut Animatic - No sound, No effects:

Reflecting on this rough camera cut animatic (and through talking to my tutor), it was said that there are still areas where the camera movements are still too erratic and that there were areas where the camera pauses are too long, creating a disconnect in the camera flow. To amend this it was suggested that I add in some Static Shots featuring just the drones interacting to help cut down on some of the camera movement within the scenes. This should then hopefully create a bit more variety in camera shots so there's not this continuous camera movement and allow for the audience to actually see some of the sets environmental details and drone design/interaction.

Static Shots Plan:

With these shots now in play, I intend to add in these static cuts to the animatic. Here I will also look tighten up some of the scenes already present above and add in some ambient sounds to help build atmosphere within the scenes; as well as adding in some visual effects to help with some of the camera transitions.

*Animatic to come.


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