Fantastic Voyage: SUBMISSION.
2D Animatic: CG Pre-Vis: Fantastic Voyage: Art of: A... by Jasmine Masters on Scribd Reflective Statement: During the course of this project I have found it to be an enlightening learning experience, despite the current COVID-19 situation that had caused slight disruption to learning and led to classes moving to online instead of at the university. With this in mind I found having to work from home to be slightly less practical than having full access to the university resources and contact time with tutors; as I felt that despite having access to the required programs, my computer struggled to compete with the level/standard I was hoping to work to. That a side, I feel that I have still been able to progress my learning and technical skills within this project. Having it be the second major animation project I have worked on, I found it slightly easier to get my head round and cope with in comparison to the Script To Screen project; as I felt I had more c...