Premise: Update.

From further discussion with my tutors, I have decided to scrap the idea of using folktales to retell a story and instead have chosen to focus on environmental storytelling. By doing this it will allow me to focus on environmental design and world building to help communicate past/present events to the viewer. Through this approach it will really allow me to focus on modelling, texturing and lighting as these are the areas I am most drawn to.

With this in mind I can see this project stretching over the premise project, through to the minor and major projects to come in year 3. This is because I can break down the sets into 3 areas – interior sets, exterior buildings and the world these building exist in. 

Below are some of my initial environment ideas. For this I used the idea of ‘what if’ to generate these outcomes as well as the use of initial visual research to help support ideas.

Initial Environment Premise Proposals - Visual Themes.

Premise Initial Visual Prop... by Jasmine Masters

With this I found I was particularly drawn to the darker/ more dystopian ideas of worn down buildings and the possible event in which that led to the buildings/ world to be decay and possibly become over grown. Keeping this in mind I then furthered my visual research as well as some historical research to help fuel my ideas.

Environment Premise Proposals

Premise Proposals by Jasmine Masters

Then using the visual image bank I’ve collected, I begun some initial sketches based of the mind map and the proposal ideas I had come up with.

Sketches based off some mind map scenarios and proposal ideas:


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