Character Design Session #5

Today we looked at prepping for compiling our character designs into a easily digestible format - this being our production bibles - to demonstrate our ideas and scenarios for our character and the world they exist in.

Given a creative challenge to design a logo based on the name given to us, where we had to incorporate the above mentioned techniques (Design Rules section).

So for my character bible I'm planning too go along the theme of a scrap book and include bits and pieces in which my mouse has collected on his travels, I am also going to try and bring in a some sort of propaganda style to the book format.

We were then given a second task, where we had to design a character that lives in an existing world. So for my group we were given Miraculous; which is a program about high-school student's having alter egos who then become superheroes and depending on the animal they turn into, it then determines the power they have. eg Lady Bug = luck, Cat Noir = bad luck .

So for my Character I looked at basing it off a chameleon. Since chameleons are supposed to symbolize curiosity and embody the ability of hiding/showing emotions and have the ability to cloak themselves and blend into the background. 

So I thought his power could be to have the ability cloak himself and to make those he is up against harder to find him.


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