Collaboration: Character Profiles and Influence Maps.

 To better wrap my head around the character we as a group are trying to create, I started to look at different comedy characters personality, traits and overall look and how they come across to others.

With this I started to gather imagery I thought to best suited to the character we as a group were trying to create. With this came watching clips to help getting a better understanding of how other characters are formed; for this I watched clips form Fawlty Towers, Monty Python and a Thin Blue Line.

Basil thrashes his car - Fawlty Towers – BBC

Fawlty Towers: Top Ten Scenes (Part One)

Whose Fault is It? | Fawlty Towers | BBC Comedy Greats

Monty Python - Military March

A Thin Blue Line - The Best of Constable Goody

So using traits from the video's above, I started to plug in these characteristics/ideas alongside my own ideas to create the initial fleshed of Character Profile for our Collaboration Project. With this idea there is still work to be done to consolidate the character overall, since a gender and further personality traits are to still be added and agreed on as a group.

I then proceeded by looking for visuals to coincide with the character description above; these mainly being fashion of the time, props for the character to use and their interests. In addition to this i also look at job and set aesthetics in which the character will be operating within.


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