Collaboration: Confirmed Character profile and Scenarios.

After further discussion with the group we settled on these characteristics/traits for the character I had previously fleshed out; with some added adjustments from the talking to the group.

Rough visual reference of character for clarity.

We then moved onto creating more solid scenarios for us to work from. With this came a roller-skating waiter, a hotel bellhop, a dry cleaners assistant and finally and video store clerk. With each of these situations something goes wrong for our Moom character that ultimately ends up with him getting fired from said job. We also decided for these scenarios to flow more easily, the jobs he is applying for are within the center of town so word soon gets out about the nightmare employee.

We also agreed that these scenario can be adapted and altered slightly by who ever is storyboarding the scene. In addition to this we also set jobs for everyone to be working, on as well as set meeting times to go over things and discuss ideas and what needs to be done for the following week.



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