Collaboration: Given Scenario, Storyboards and Costume Designs.

Moving on from the meeting on Monday, I got chose the scenario of the Bellhop (most of us chose the scenarios we had come up with). 

With this I designed a couple of costumes for the Bellhop for Moom to wear. For this I tried to keep it simple; as I really wanted his personality to come through, this consisted of adding in his scruffy attire of too small trousers, high socks and unties shoes with his Walkman in tow.

Design 1.

Design 2.

We then discussed further in a second meeting with Alan, how we wanted to shoot the scenes since it has to be filmed from a stationary point of view. with this in mind we as a groups thought it be good to set it up as if it is being filmed through a CCTV camera. - Much like a you've been framed scenario where accidents are caught on film.

So keeping this in mind, I then designed a rough storyboard to see how the scenario will play out. With this I found it hard to imagine how the set will look, but feel I got the general idea across. So moving on from here I will look to develop the set design and update the existing storyboards to match.


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